Boulangerie Patisserie


First a look at the menu showing some of their savory offerings…


Now let’s see which of these I have photos of, shall we?

{Note: I apologize in advance if I should wrongly identify any of these, as I failed to take photos of the signs which accompanied the food}

First on the menu is…

Jambon Beurre (left) – Ham & Cheese, Dijon Mustard Butter on a Demi Baguette
and Brie Aux Pommes  (right) – Brie, Apples & Cranberries on Multi-Grain Bread

Dinde B.L.T. (right) – Turkey, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, & Garlic Aioli and 
Bleu Salade (left) with Romaine, Imported Bleu Cheese, and Croutons

Poulet Au Pistou (right) – Chicken Breast with Cheese, Tomato, Red Onion & Pesto and Croissant Jambon (left) – Ham, Cheese, & Bechamel on a Croissant

Tartine Aux Fromages (left) – Country Bread, Tomato Sauce, Swiss, Parmesan & Goat Cheese and Roule Lard a Fromage (right) – Bacon & Cheese Roll

Quiche Lorraine – Ham & Gruyere Quiche (on right)
and Quiche Florentine – Spinach & Goat Cheese Quiche (on left)

Baguettes fresh from the oven

Fromages – Imported Cheese Plate

Pissaladiere with Tomatoes, Olives & Gruyere Cheese (right) and Croque Monsieur – Toasted Ham & Cheese (left)

Now for some of the sweets that can be found at Epcot’s French bakery…

Pain Au Chocolat – Chocolate Croissant

Palmier – Cinnamon & Chocolate Elephant Ears

Frangipane – Almond Filling Between Puff Pastry



Fraises Tarte – Vanilla Cream, topped with Strawberry

Citron Tarte – Lemon Cream topped with Meringue

Chocolat Tarte – Caramel Cream & Chocolate Mousse

Tarte aux Pommes – Puff Pastry Dough with Caramelized Apple

Eclairs – Vanilla White Chocolate or Chocolate Cream

Creme Brulee – Caramelized Vanilla Custard


Mousse au Chocolat – Chocolate Mousse

Duo (right) – White and Dark Chocolate Mousse Cake and Parfait aux Fruits (left) – Yogurt mousse with berries


Cafe Liegeois (left) – Coffee & Cream Mousse, Chocolate

Raspberry & Lime Cream Macarons 


Framboise – Raspberry Mousse Cake


So did I have any of these? You betcha I did! :thumbsup2

Roule Lard a Fromage – Bacon & Cheese Roll

I had been wanting to try this ever since Patty (emmebear) reported on this for the Live Thread and gave it a rave review. While my review of the bacon and cheese roll is not quite as enthusiastic as her’s, I did enjoy it. It’s not though one of my favorites.

My Top 3 favorites from Boulangerie Patisserie are still…

Ham & Cheese Croissant

Crème brûlée

Quiche Lorraine

As for my least favorite, it will be making an appearance later in my dining report. ;)

So what are your favorites at Boulangerie Patisserie? My inquiring mind would like to know.